HGFei - Publications

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254 entries... »show only entries since 2001«


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. A theory of Fourier Standard Spaces (planned) , in preparation (2027) »abstract«


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Richard, Christoph;Schumacher, Christoph;Strungaru, Nicolae; Twice Fourier transformable measures and diffraction theory, Cambridge University Press, Series Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications., Vol.3: Model Sets and Dynamical Systems (2025) p.1-48 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans, G. Publications Hans G. Feichtinger up to 10.10.2024 (2025) »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G., An axiomatic approach to mild distributions, Axioms (2025) p.1-23 »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans, G.;Sun, Jingsong;Yang, Dachun;Yuan, Wen A framework of Besov–Triebel–Lizorkin type spaces via ball quasi-Banach function sequence spaces II: Applications to specific function spaces, Anal. Appl. (Singap.), Vol.17 No.1 (2025) p.1-95 »download


  1. Balazs, Peter;Bastianoni, Federico;Cordero, Elena;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Schweighofer, Nina; Comparison between Fourier multipliers and STFT multipliers: the smoothing effect of the short-time Fourier transform,, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol.529 (2024) p.1-32, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2023.127579 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Stephen D. Casey;Maurice Dodson;Paulo J.S.G. Ferreira;Ahmed Zayed ed.) Sampling via the Banach Gelfand Triple, in Sampling, Approximation, and Signal Analysis Harmonic Analysis in the Spirit of J. Rowland Higgins, Cham: Springer International Publishing, Appl. Num. Harm. Anal. (2024) p.211-242 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. The ubiquitous appearance of BUPUs, in Proc. Conference Harmonic Analysis, Abidjan 2023, Springer (Cham), Appl. Num. Harm. Analysis (2024) p.1-30 »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Kobayashi, Masaharu; Sato, Enji On some properties of modulation spaces as Banach algebras, Studia Math. (2024) p.34 »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Kobayashi, Masaharu;Sato, Enji Further study of modulation spaces as Banach algebras, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sectio Computatorica (2024) »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G., ;Weisz, Ferencz Piecewise linear and step Fourier multipliers for modulation spaces, J. Funct. Anal. (2024) p.1-25, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110795 »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Halvdansson, Simon;Luef, Franz; Measure-operator convolutions and applications to mixed-state Gabor multipliers, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, Vol.22 No.2 (2024) p.35pg. »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G.; The Banach Gelfand triple and its role in classical Fourier analysis and operator theory, in International seminar Tbilisi Analysis & PDE Seminar (2024) p.67--75 »download
  9. Feichtinger, Hans G., The concept of Wiener amalgam spaces, in Akram Aldroubi 65th Birthday Volume, Birkhäuser/Springer, Appl. Num. Harm. Analysis (2024) p.1-25 »download
  10. Feichtinger, Hans G. Upcoming terminology in the world of function spaces, in Proc. Conference in Honor of Lars-Erik Persson (80) (2024) p.1-10 »download
  11. Feichtinger, Hans G. Fourier analysis via mild distributions: group theoretical aspects, Vol.Trends in Mathematics by Birkhäuser. (2024) p.1-6 »abstract« »download
  12. Feichtinger, Hans G. Modelling Signals as Mild Distributions (Abdul Siddiqi Memorial Volume), in Abul Siddiqi Memorial Volume , Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham (2024) p.1-26 »abstract« »download
  13. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Sun, Jingsong; Yang, Dachun; Yuan, Wen A framework of Besov--Triebel--Lizorkin type spaces via ball quasi-Banach function sequence spaces II: Applications to specific function spaces (2024) »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gumber, Anupam Approximation by linear combinations of translates in invariant Banach spaces of tempered distributions via Tauberian conditions, J. Approximation Theory (2023) p.1-17 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G., A characterization of multipliers of the Herz Algebra, MCB UP Ltd, Axioms, Vol.12 No.5 (2023) p.482, 10.3390/axioms12050482 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Balazs, Peter;Haider, Daniel; Double preconditioning for Gabor frame operators: algebraic, functional analytic and numerical aspects, Elsevier, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol.66 (2023) p.101--137 »download
  4. Esmeral, Kevin;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hutnik, Ondrej;Maximenko, Egor A.; Approximately invertible elements in non-unital normed algebras, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol.523 No.1 (2023) p.Paper No. 126986 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G., Translation and modulation invariant Banach spaces of tempered distributions satisfy the Metric Approximation Property, Appl. Analysis, Vol.20 No.6 (2022) p.1271--1293, https://doi.org/10.1142/S021953052240005X »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pilipovic, Stevan;Prangoski, Bojan; Modulation spaces associated to tensor products of amalgam spaces, Annali Pura Appl. Math. (2022) p.127-155, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10231-021-01110-9 »download
  3. Biswas, Hasan Ali;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Radha, R.; Modulation spaces and the special affine Fourier transform, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, Vol.16 No.6 (2022) p.1-30, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11785-022-01264-1 »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Homogeneous Banach spaces as Banach convolution modules over ${M} ({G})$ , MDPI, Mathematics, Vol.10 No.3 (2022) p.1--22, doi:10.3390/math10030364 »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Jakobsen, Mads S.; The inner kernel theorem for a certain Segal algebra, Monatsh. f. Math., Vol.198 No.4 (2022) p.675--715, Zbl.:7557943, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-022-01702-4 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Gumber, Anupam Completeness of shifted dilates in invariant Banach spaces of tempered distributions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.149 No.12 (2021) p.5195-5210, https://doi.org/10.1090/proc/15564 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans, G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz;Li, Kuijie;Wang, Baoxiang; Navier-Stokes equation in super-critical spaces ${E}_{p,q}^s$, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare, Vol.38 No.1 (2021) p.139 - 173, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anihpc.2020.06.002 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G;Nicola, Fabio;Trapasso, S. Ivan; On exceptional times for pointwise convergence of integral kernels in Feynman--Trotter path integrals, in Anomalies in Partial Differential Equations, Springer (2021) p.293--311, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61346-4_13 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G., A Functional Analytic Approach to Fourier Analysis (ETH EXTRA Lecture Notes 2020) Version of 2024 (2020/2024 ) p.287 pages »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. Ingredients for Applied Fourier Analysis, in Sharda Conference Feb. 2018 , Taylor and Francis (2020) p.1-22 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Jakobsen, Mads S., (Pammy Machanda et al. ed.) Distribution theory by Riemann integrals, in ISIAM Proceedings, Springer, Singapore, Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Analytic and Numerical Solutions (2020) p.33-76, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0928-5_3 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. A sequential approach to mild distributions, Axioms, Vol.9 No.1 (2020) p.1-25, https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms9010025 »download
  4. Boggiatto, Paolo;Bruno, Tommaso;Cordero, Elena;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Nicola, Fabio;Oliaro, Alessandro;Tabacco, Anita;Vallarino, Maria; , in Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis: ATFA 2019, Springer Nature (2020)


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Feuto, Justin; Predual of Fofana\'{ }s spaces, MDPI, Mathematics (MDPI), Vol.7 No.6 (2019) p.528, https://doi.org/10.3390/math7060528 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Gabor expansions of signals: computational aspects and open questions, in Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis, Birkhäuser/Springer, Vol.ATFA17 (2019) p.173-206, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-05210-2_7 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Spectral synthesis from the distributional viewpoint (! NOT realized) , Birkhäuser Boston (2019)
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G. Classical Fourier Analysis via mild distributions, MESA, Non-linear Studies, Vol.26 No.4 (2019) p.783-804 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. (J. Feuto; M. Essoh ed.) Banach Gelfand Triples and some Applications in Harmonic Analysis, in Proc. Conf. Harmonic Analysis (Abidjan, May 2018) (2018) p.1-21 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.; A Functional Analytic Approach to Applied Analysis (course notes, Prague and TUM 2018) , Informal Lecture Notes (2018) »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Voigtlaender, Felix (Cwikel, Michael;Milman, Mario ed.) From Frazier-Jawerth characterizations of Besov spaces to wavelets and decomposition spaces, in Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Image Processing: A collection of papers in honor of Björn Jawerth, Amer. Math. Soc., Contemporary Mathematics Series No.693 (2017) p.185 - 216, https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/693 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Pesenson, Isaac;Le Gia, Q.;Mayeli, A.;Mhaskar, H.;Zhou, D.X. ed.) A novel mathematical approach to the theory of translation invariant linear systems, in Recent Applications of Harmonic Analysis to Function Spaces, Differential Equations, and Data Science., Birkhäuser, Cham, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. (2017) p.483-516 , https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55556-0_3 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. Abel Prize 2017 for Yves Meyer, Internat. Math. Nachr., Vol.236 (2017) p.13 - 24 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Neuhauser, Markus The homogeneous approximation property and localized Gabor frames, Monatshefte f. Math., Vol.181 No.2 (2016) p.325--339 , 10.1007/s00605-016-0941-x »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Aldroubi, Akram;Cabrelli, Carlos;Jaffard, Stéphane;Molter, Ursula ed.) Thoughts on Numerical and Conceptual Harmonic Analysis, in New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis. Sparse Representations, Compressed Sensing, and Multifractal Analysis , Birkhäuser, Cham, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (2016) p.301-329, Zbl.:1342.43002, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27873-5_9 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Führ, Harmut; Pesenson, Isaac Geometric space-frequency analysis on manifolds, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., Vol.22 No.6 (2016) p.1294--1355, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00041-015-9457-3 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. Elements of Postmodern Harmonic Analysis, in Operator-related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis. The Abel Symposium 2012, Oslo, Norway, August 20--24, 2012, Cham: Springer (2015) p.77--105, Zbl.:1329.42031, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08557-9_3 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Choosing Function Spaces in Harmonic Analysis , in Excursions in Harmonic Analysis. {V}ol. 4, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, The February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., Vol.4 (2015) p.65--101, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20188-7_3 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Nowak, Krzysztof;Pap, Margit Asymptotic boundary forms for tight Gabor frames and lattice localization domains, J. Appl. Math. Phys., Vol.3 (2015) p.1316-1342, 10.4236/jamp.2015.310160 »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Luef, Franz (Engquist, Björn ed.) Gabor Analysis and Algorithms , in Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2015) p.575--579, Zbl.:ZblXXX, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_354 »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G. Harmonic Analysis based on Functional Analysis (2015) p.106 »download
  6. Christensen, Ole;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Paukner, Stephan Gabor analysis for imaging., in Handbook of mathematical methods in imaging. In 3 volumes, New York, NY: Springer (2015) p.1717--1757, Zbl.:1331.94014, 10.1007/978-1-4939-0790-8_54 »download


  1. Ascensi, Gerard;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kaiblinger, Norbert Dilation of the Weyl symbol and Balian-Low theorem, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.366 No.7 (2014) p.3865--3880, Zbl.:1298.47059, https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-2013-06074-6 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Onchis, Darian M.;Wiesmeyr, Christoph Construction of approximate dual wavelet frames, Adv. Comput. Math., Vol.40 (2014) p.273 - 282, Zbl.:06349128, DOI 10.1007/s10444-013-9307-2 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Nowak, Krzysztof; Pap, Margit Spectral properties of Toeplitz operators acting on Gabor type reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, in Mathematics without Boundaries: Surveys in Pure Mathematics, Springer (2014), Zbl.:1319.47024, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-1106-6_6 »abstract« »download
  4. Abreu, Luis Daniel;Feichtinger, Hans G. (Vasilév,Alexander ed.) Function spaces of polyanalytic functions , in Harmonic and Complex Analysis and its Application, Cham: Birkhäuser/Springer, Trends in Mathematics (2014) p.1-38, Zbl.:1318.30070, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01806-5_1 »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pap, Margit (Vasilev, Alexander ed.) Coorbit Theory and Bergman Spaces, in Harmonic and Complex Analysis and its Applications, Birkhäuser (2014) p.231-260, Zbl.:1322.46023, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01806-5_4 »download
  6. Schmutzhard, Sebastian;Hrycak, Tomasz;Feichtinger, Hans G. A numerical study of the Legendre-Galerkin method for the evaluation of the prolate spheroidal wave functions, Springer US, Numerical Algorithms (2014) p.1-20, Zbl.:1315.65021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-014-9867-3 »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Grybos, Anna;Onchis, Darian Approximate dual Gabor atoms via the adjoint lattice method, Adv. Comput. Math., Vol.40 No.3 (2014) p.651-665, Zbl.:1309.42043, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10444-013-9324-1 »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hörmann, Wolfgang (Schmeisser, Gerhard; Stens, Rolf ed.) A distributional approach to generalized stochastic processes on locally compact abelian groups., in New Perspectives on Approximation and Sampling Theory. Festschrift in honor of Paul Butzer's 85th birthday, Cham: Birkhäuser/Springer (2014) p.423--446, Zbl.:1302.00086, 10.1007/978-3-319-08801-3_18 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pap, Margit Hyperbolic wavelets and multiresolution in the Hardy space of the upper half plane, New York: Springer Science+Business Media BV, Blaschke Products and Their Applications: Fields Institute Communications, Vol.65 (2013) p.193-208, Zbl.:1277.30043, 10.1007/978-1-4614-5341-3_11 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Group theoretical methods and wavelet theory (coorbit theory and applications), in SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing. International Society for Optics and Photonics (Baltimore) , SPIE (2013) p.1-10, Zbl.:ZblXXX, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2018950 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Principe, Jose C.;Romero, José Luis;Singh Alvarado, Alexander;Velasco, Gino Angelo Approximate reconstruction of bandlimited functions for the integrate and fire sampler, Adv. Comput. Math., Vol.36 No.1 (2012) p.67-78, Zbl.:1262.94011, 10.1007/s10444-011-9180-9 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Onchis, Darian;Ricaud, Benjamin;Torrésani, Bruno;Wiesmeyr, Christoph A method for optimizing the ambiguity function concentration, in Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference , IEEE (2012) p.804-808, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Luef, Franz Gabor analysis and time-frequency methods, Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics (2012), Zbl.:- »download
  4. Aceska, Roza;Feichtinger, Hans G. Reproducing kernels and variable bandwidth, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications No.art. no. 469341 (2012), Zbl.:1264.46018, https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/469341 »download


  1. Hrycak, Tomasz;Das, Saptarshi;Matz, Gerald;Feichtinger, Hans G. Practical estimation of rapidly varying channels for OFDM systems, IEEE Trans. Comm., Vol.59 No.11 (2011) p.3040 - 3048, Zbl.:ZblXXX, 10.1109/TCOMM.2011.082111.110075 »download [PWD-required!]


  1. Aceska, Roza;Feichtinger, Hans G. Functions with variable bandwidth via time-frequency analysis tools, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 382 No.1 (2011 ) p.275-289 , Zbl.:1223.42022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2011.04.044 »download


  1. Eiwen, Daniel;Tauböck, Georg;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G. Compressive tracking of doubly selective channels in multicarrier systems based on sequential delay-Doppler sparsity (2011) p.2928 - 2931 »abstract«
  2. Christensen, Ole;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Paukner, Stephan (Scherzer, O. ed.) Gabor Analysis for Imaging , in Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, Springer Berlin, Vol.3 (2011) p.1271-1307, Zbl.:1259.94013 »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Huang, Chunyan;Wang, Baoxiang Trace operators for modulation, $\alpha$-modulation and Besov spaces, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., Vol.30 No.1 (2011) p.110--127, Zbl.:1225.42015, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acha.2010.04.003 »download


  1. Hrycak, Tomasz;Das, Saptarshi;Matz, Gerald;Feichtinger, Hans G. Low complexity equalization for doubly selective channels modeled by a basis expansion, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., Vol.58 No.11 (2010) p.5706-5719, Zbl.:ZblXXX, 10.1109/TSP.2010.2063426 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Eiwen, Daniel;Tauböck, Georg;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G. Group sparsity methods for compressive channel estimation in doubly dispersive multicarrier systems , in Proc. SPAWC10, Marrakesh/Marocco, SPAWC10, Marrakech, Marocco (2010), 10.1109/SPAWC.2010.5670986 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Abreu, Luis Daniel;Feichtinger, Hans G. On the Bergman transform: the Paley-Wiener theorem and the coorbits of Bergman spaces (2010) »download [PWD-required!]
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Onchis, Darian Constructive realization of dual systems for generators of multi-window spline-type spaces, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol.234 No.12 (2010) p.3467-3479 , Zbl.:1196.65036, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2010.05.010 »abstract« »download
  5. Onchis, Darian;Feichtinger, Hans G. Constructive reconstruction from irregular sampling in multi-window spline-type spaces, General Proceedings of the 7th ISAAC Congress, London (2010), Zbl.:1196.65036 »download [PWD-required!]
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G. A Fresh Approach to Harmonic Analysis: NuHAG: Version Summer 2010 (2010) p.68 »download
  7. Cap, Andreas;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hauser, Herwig;Lamel, Bernhard;Sigmund, Karl;Teschl, Gerald Mathematik in Wien Universität Wien, Internat. Math. Nachrichten No.214 (2010) p.1-31 »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Onchis, Darian Constructive reconstruction from irregular sampling in multi-window spline-type spaces, in Progress in analysis and its applications, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ (2010) p.257--265, Zbl.:1322.42004, 10.1142/9789814313179_0034 »download


  1. Werther, Tobias;Klotz, Andreas;Kracher, G.;Baubin, M.;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gilly, H.;Amann, A. CPR artifact removal in ventricular fibrillation ECG signals using Gabor multipliers, Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, Vol.56 No.2 (2009) p.320 -327, Zbl.:4601456 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kozek, Werner;Luef, Franz Gabor Analysis over finite Abelian groups, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., Vol.26 No.2 (2009) p.230-248, Zbl.:1162.43002, doi:10.1016/j.acha.2008.04.006 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. Banach Gelfand triples for applications in physics and engineering, in AIP Conference 2009, Amer. Inst. Phys., AIP Conf. Proc., AIP Conf. Proc. , Vol.1146 (2009) p.189-228, Zbl.:1161.35060 »abstract« »download
  4. Werther, Tobias;Klotz, Andreas;Granegger, Marcus;Baubin, Michael;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Amann, Anton;Gilly, Hermann Strong corruption of electrocardiograms caused by cardiopulmonary resuscitation reduces efficiency of two-channel methods for removing motion artefacts in non-shockable rhythms, Resuscitation, Vol.80 No.11 (2009) p.1301-1307 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Weisz, Ferenc; Herz spaces and summability of Fourier transforms, Math. Nachr., Vol.281 No.3 (2008) p.1-16, Zbl.:1189.42001 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hazewinkel, Michiel;Kaiblinger, Norbert;Matusiak, Ewa;Neuhauser, Markus Metaplectic operators on ${C}^n$, Quart. J. Math., Vol.59 No.1 (2008) p.15--28, Zbl.:1142.22007 »download
  3. Cordero, Elena;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Luef, Franz Banach Gelfand triples for Gabor analysis, in Pseudo-differential Operators , Springer, Lect. Notes Math., Vol.1949 (2008) [Berlin] p.1--33, Zbl.:1161.35060, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-68268-4_1 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Molter, Ursula M. ;Romero, José Luis Perturbation techniques in irregular spline-type spaces, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inf. Process., Vol.6 No.2 (2008) p.249–277, Zbl.:1148.41007, 10.1142/S0219691308002331 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Weisz, Ferenc Gabor analysis on Wiener amalgams, Sampling Publishing, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process, Vol.6 No.2 (2007) p.129-150, Zbl.:1156.42304 »abstract« »download
  2. Amann, Anton;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Klotz, Andreas;Kracher, Guenther;Werther, Tobias;Gilly, H.;Baubin, Michael CPR artefact removal in ECG signals using Gabor multipliers, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, Vol.56 No.2 (2007) p.320--327, Zbl.:- »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Sun, Wenchang Sufficient conditions for irregular Gabor frames, Adv. Comput. Math., Vol.26 No.4 (2007) p.403-430, Zbl.:1120.42021 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Luef, Franz;Werther, Tobias A guided tour from linear algebra to the foundations of Gabor analysis., in Gabor and Wavelet Frames, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, Lect. Notes Ser. Inst. Math. Sci. Natl. Univ. Singap., Vol.10 (2007) p.1--49, Zbl.:1134.42338 »abstract« »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Sun, Wenchang;Zhou, X. Two Banach spaces of atoms for stable wavelet frame expansions, J. Approx. Theory, Vol.146 No.1 (2007) p.28-70, Zbl.:1135.42336 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pandey, S. S.;Werther, Tobias Minimal norm interpolation in harmonic Hilbert spaces and Wiener amalgam spaces on locally compact abelian groups, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., Vol.47 No.1 (2007) p.65-78, Zbl.:1138.43003 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kaiblinger, Norbert Quasi-interpolation in the Fourier algebra, J. Approx. Theory, Vol.144 No.1 (2007) p.103-118, Zbl.:1108.41006 »abstract« »download


  1. Balazs, Peter;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hampejs, Mario;Kracher, Guenther; Double preconditioning for Gabor frames, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.54 No.12 (2006) p.4597--4610, Zbl.:1203.65069 »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Dörfler, Monika;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Gröchenig, Karlheinz Time-frequency partitions for the Gelfand triple $({S}_0, {L}^2,{{S}_0}')$, Math. Scand., Vol.98 No.1 (2006) p.81-96, Zbl.:1215.42013 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Fornasier, Massimo Flexible Gabor-wavelet atomic decompositions for ${{L}_2}$ Sobolev spaces, Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata, Vol.185 No.1 (2006) p.105--131 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Weisz, Ferenc The Segal algebra ${S}_0({R}^d)$ and norm summability of Fourier series and Fourier transforms, Monatsh. Math., Vol.148 (2006) p.333-349, Zbl.:1130.42012 »abstract« »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Weisz, Ferenc; Wiener amalgams and pointwise summability of Fourier transforms and Fourier series, Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc., Vol.140 No.3 (2006) p.509-536, Zbl.:1117.43001 »abstract« »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Sun, Wenchang Stability of Gabor frames with arbitrary sampling points, Acta Math. Hung., Vol.113 No.3 (2006) p.169-195, Zbl.:1121.42021 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Luef, Franz Wiener amalgam spaces for the Fundamental Identity of Gabor Analysis, Collect. Math., Vol.57 No.Extra Volume (2006) (2006) p.233--253, Zbl.:1135.39303 »abstract« »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Heil, Christopher and Walnut, David F. ed.) , in Fundamental Papers in Wavelet Theory, Princeton University Press (2006) [Princeton, NJ] p.xviii+878, Zbl.:XXX »abstract« »download
  9. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Narimani, Ghassem Fourier multipliers of classical modulation spaces, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., Vol.21 No.3 (2006) p.349-359, Zbl.:1106.42005 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  10. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Führ, Hartmut;Gröchenig, Karlheinz;Kaiblinger, Norbert Operators commuting with a discrete subgroup of translations, J. Geom. Anal., Vol.16 No.1 (2006) p.53-67, Zbl.:1113.47019 »abstract« »download
  11. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Weisz, Ferenc; Inversion formulas for the short-time Fourier transform, J. Geom. Anal., Vol.16 No.3 (2006) p.507-521, Zbl.:1101.42012 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  12. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Modulation spaces: looking back and ahead, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process., Vol.5 No.2 (2006) p.109--140, Zbl.:1156.43300 »download
  13. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Helffer, Bernard; Lamoureux, Michael P.; Lerner, Nicolas; Toft, Joachim , in Pseudo-Differential Operators , Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol.1949 (2006) [Berlin] p.xxiv+204, Zbl.:XXX


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pesenson, Isaac A reconstruction method for band-limited signals on the hyperbolic plane, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process, Vol.4 No.2 (2005) p.107-119, Zbl.:1137.94314 »download [PWD-required!]


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hampejs, Mario;Kracher, Guenther; Approximation of matrices by Gabor multipliers, IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, Vol.11 No.11 (2004) p.883- 886 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pesenson, Isaac Recovery of band-limited functions on manifolds by an iterative algorithm, in AMS Contemp. Math., Wavelets frames and operator theory, AMS, Vol.345 (2004) [Baltimore] p.137-152, Zbl.:02144542 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kaiblinger, Norbert; Varying the time-frequency lattice of Gabor frames, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.356 No.5 (2004) p.2001-2023, Zbl.:1033.42033 »abstract« »download
  4. Dörfler, Monika;Feichtinger, Hans G. Orthogonal projections derived from localization operators, in Proc. Conf. EUSIPCO (Sept. 2004, TU Vienna) (2004) p.1195---1198, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  5. Amann, Anton;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Klotz, Andreas; Removal of CPR Artefacts in Ventricular Fibrillation ECG by Local Coherent Line Removal, in Proc. Conf. EUSIPCO (Sept. 2004, TU Vienna) (2004) p.2203--2206 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Werther, Tobias (Benedetto, J.J. ed.) Robustness of regular sampling in Sobolev algebras, in Sampling, Wavelets and Tomography , Birkhäuser; (2004) p.83-113, Zbl.:1070.46022 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Gabor multipliers with varying lattices, in Proc. SPIE Conf. (2003) p.14, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pandey, S. S. Recovery of band-limited functions on locally compact Abelian groups from irregular samples, Czech. Math. J., Vol.53(128) No.2 (2003) p.249-264, Zbl.:1021.43001 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; (Radha, R.;Krishna, M.;Thangavelu, S. ed.) Modulation spaces on locally compact Abelian groups, in Proc. Internat. Conf. on Wavelets and Applications (Chennai) , New Delhi Allied Publishers (2003) [Chennai, January 2002] p.1-56, Zbl.:ZBXXX »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Pandey, S. S. Error estimates for irregular sampling of band-limited functions on a locally compact Abelian group, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol.279 No.2 (2003) p.380-397, Zbl.:1015.43003 »abstract« »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas , in Advances in Gabor Analysis , Birkhäuser (2003) [Basel], Zbl.:1005.00015 »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Nowak, Krzysztof (Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, T.; ed.) A first survey of Gabor multipliers, in Advances in Gabor Analysis, Birkhäuser, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal. (2003) p.99--128, Zbl.:1032.42033 »abstract« »download
  7. Amann, Anton;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Klotz, Andreas; Elimination of CPR-artefacts in VF-ECGs by time frequency methods, in Beiträge Zur Gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Deutschen, der Österreichischen Und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Biomedizinische Technik Biomedizinische Technik , Vol.48, Ergänzungsband1 (2003) p.2218-2219 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Zimmermann, Georg; An exotic minimal Banach space of functions, Math. Nachr., Vol.239-240 (2002) p.42-61, Zbl.:1019.46025 »abstract« »download
  2. Aldroubi, Akram;Feichtinger, Hans G.; (Zhou, D. X.; ed.) Non-uniform sampling: exact reconstruction from non-uniformly distributed weighted-averages, in Wavelet Analysis: Twenty Years Developments Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Harmonic Analysis, Hong Kong, China, June 4--8, 2001 , World Sci.Pub., Ser. Anal., Vol.1 (2002) [Singapore] p.1--8, Zbl.:1038.42030 »download
  3. Dörfler, Monika;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Gröchenig, Karlheinz Compactness criteria in function spaces, Colloq. Math., Vol.94 No.1 (2002) p.37-50, Zbl.:1017.46014 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Zhou, D. X. ed.) Spline-type spaces in Gabor analysis, in Wavelet Analysis: Twenty Years Developments Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Harmonic Analysis, Hong Kong, China, June 4--8, 2001 , World Sci.Pub., Ser. Anal., Vol.1 (2002) [River Edge, NJ] p.100--122, Zbl.:1034.42029 »abstract« »download
  5. De Mari, Filippo;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Nowak, Krzysztof Uniform eigenvalue estimates for time-frequency localization operators, J. London Math. Soc., Vol.65 No.3 (2002) p.720-732, Zbl.:1033.47021 »abstract« »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Signal processing algorithms (2002) »download [PWD-required!]


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Werther, Tobias Atomic systems for subspaces, in Proceedings SampTA, Vol.2001 (2001) [Orlando] p.163-165, Zbl.:- »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Nowak, Krzysztof A Szegö-type theorem for Gabor-Toeplitz localization operators, Michigan Math. J., Vol.49 No.1 (2001) p.13-21, Zbl.:1010.47021 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Janssen, A. J. E. M. Validity of WH-frame bound conditions depends on lattice parameters, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., Vol.8 No.1 (2000) p.104-112, Zbl.:944.42027 »abstract« »download


  1. Dörfler, Monika;Feichtinger, Hans G. , in Diderot Forum on Mathematics and Music. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Music (1999), Zbl.:ZblXXX »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Börjesson, Per Ola;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Grip, Niklas;Isaksson, M.;Kaiblinger, Norbert;Persson, Lars-Erik;Ödling, P.; A low-complexity PAR-reduction method for DMT-VDSL, in Proc. Conf. DSPCS-99 (Perth, Australia) (1999) p.164-169, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download
  3. Börjesson, Per Ola;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Grip, Niklas;Isaksson, M.;Kaiblinger, Norbert;Persson, Lars-Erik;Ödling, P.; DMT PAR-reduction by weighted cancellation waveforms, in Proc. RVK-99 (Karlskrona, Sweden) (1999) p.303-307, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download


  1. Aldroubi, Akram;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Exact iterative reconstruction algorithm for multivariate irregularly sampled functions in spline-like spaces: The ${L}^p$-Theory, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.126 No.9 (1998) p.2677--2686, Zbl.:0906.42017 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Bölcskei, Helmut;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G. Frame-theoretic analysis of oversampled filter banks, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.46 No.12 (1998) p.3256-3268 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kozek, Werner; (Feichtinger, Hans G.; Strohmer, T. ed.) Quantization of TF lattice-invariant operators on elementary LCA groups, in Gabor analysis and algorithms, Birkhäuser, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal. (1998) [Boston, MA] p.233--266, Zbl.:890.42012 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas (Feichtinger, Hans G.; Strohmer, T. ed.) Introduction, in Gabor Analysis and Algorithms Theory and Applications , Birkhäuser Boston, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (1998) [Boston, MA] p.1--31, 453--488, Zbl.:890.42005 »download [PWD-required!]
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Zimmermann, Georg (Feichtinger, Hans G.; Strohmer, T. ed.) A Banach space of test functions for Gabor analysis, in Gabor Analysis and Algorithms: Theory and Applications , Birkhäuser Boston, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (1998) p.123-170, Zbl.:890.42008 »abstract« »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas , in Gabor Analysis and Algorithms. Theory and Applications. , Birkhäuser (1998) [Boston], Zbl.:0890.42004 »abstract«


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kaiblinger, Norbert;Prinz, Peter; A POCS approach to Gabor analysis, in DIP-97 (Vienna, Austria), SPIE, Vol.3346 (1997) p.18-29, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Bölcskei, Helmut;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Frame-theoretic analysis and design of oversampled filter banks, in Proc. IEEE ISCAS-97 (1997) [Hong Kong] »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Aldroubi, Akram;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Complete iterative reconstruction algorithms for irregularly sampled data in spline-like spaces, Proc. IEEE ICASSP-97 (1997) p.1857--1860, Zbl.:XXX »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.; (Mendrekar, V.; others; ed.) Amalgam spaces and generalized harmonic analysis, in Proceedings of the Norbert Wiener Centenary Congress, East Lansing, MI, USA, November 27-December 3, 1994 , American Mathematical Society, Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., Vol.52 (1997) [Providence, R] p.141--150, Zbl.:940.43004 »abstract« »download
  5. Bölcskei, Helmut;Gröchenig, Karlheinz;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G. Oversampled Wilson expansions, IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, Vol.4 No.4 (1997) p.106--108, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download [PWD-required!]
  6. Thurner, Stefan; Lowen, Steven B.; Feurstein, Markus C.; Heneghan, Conor;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Teich, Malvin C. Analysis, synthesis, and estimation of fractal-rate stochastic point processes., Phys. Rev. E, Vol.5 No.4 (1997) p.565-595, Zbl.:0907.62093 »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz; Gabor frames and time-frequency analysis of distributions, J. Funct. Anal., Vol.146 No.2 (1997) p.464-495, Zbl.:887.46017 »abstract« »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kaiblinger, Norbert; 2D-Gabor analysis based on 1D algorithms, in Proc. OEAGM-97 (Hallstatt, Austria) (1997), Zbl.:ZblXXX
  9. Kozek, Werner;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Time-frequency structured decorrelation of speech signals via nonseparable Gabor frames, in Proc. ICASSP = IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (1997) [Muenich, Germany] p.1439--1442 »abstract« »download
  10. Lu, Y.;Morris, J. L.;Feichtinger, Hans G.; On a complementary condition to derivation of discrete Gabor expansions, IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, Vol.4 No.1 (1997) p.12--14 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]


  1. Bölcskei, Helmut;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G. Oversampled FIR and IIR DFT filter banks and Weyl-Heisenberg frames, in Proc. IEEE ICASSP-96, Vol.3 (1996) [Atlanta (GA)] p.1391--1394 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Bölcskei, Helmut;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G. Frame-theoretic analysis and design of oversampled filter banks, in Proc. IEEE ISCAS-96, Vol.2 (1996) [Atlanta (GA)] p.409--412 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kozek, Werner;Scharinger, J. Gabor analysis and linear system identification, in Proc.Int.Conf. on System Identification in Engineering Systems (1996) p.560-569 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kozek, Werner;Prinz, Peter;Strohmer, Thomas; On multidimensional non-separable Gabor expansions, in Proc. SPIE: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing IV (1996) »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  5. Bölcskei, Helmut;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz;Hlawatsch, Franz Discrete-time Wilson expansions, in Proc. IEEE-SP Int.Symp. on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis (1996) [Paris, France] p.525--528, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download [PWD-required!]
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kozek, Werner;Prinz, Peter; Gabor systems with good TF-localization and applications to image processing, in Proc. ICIP-96, IEEE;, Vol.1 (1996) p.249 - 252 »abstract« »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kozek, Werner;Scharinger, J.; Matched multiwindow methods for the estimation and filtering of nonstationary processes, in Proc. ISCAS '96, IEEE;, Vol.2 (1996) p.509 - 512 »abstract« »download


  1. Qiu, Sigang;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Discrete Gabor structures and optimal representation, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.43 No.10 (1995) p.2258--2268 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kanjo, St.; (Solina, F.; others; ed.) Best approximation of smooth signals by linear combinations of translates, in Proc. of OEAGM-95 (1995) [Maribor] p.205--212 »abstract« »download
  3. Bölcskei, Helmut;Hlawatsch, Franz;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Equivalence of DFT Filter banks and Gabor expansions, in SPIE 95, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing III, Vol.2569, part I (1995) [San Diego] p.128--139 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Kozek, Werner;Strohmer, Thomas; Reconstruction of signals from irregular samples of its short time Fourier transform, in SPIE95 Conference (1995) [San Diego] »abstract« »download
  5. Bölcskei, Helmut;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hlawatsch, Franz Diagonalizing the Gabor frame operator, in TFTS'95 - Symposium on Applications of Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Methods (1995) [Warwick/UK] p.249--255a »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Iterative methods for scattered data approximation of smooth signals, in SampTA - Sampling Theory and Applications (1995) [Riga/Latvia] p.16--31, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas;Christensen, Ole; A group-theoretical approach to Gabor analysis, Opt. Eng., Vol.34 (1995) p.1697--1704 »abstract« »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz;Strohmer, Thomas Efficient numerical methods in non-uniform sampling theory, Numer. Math., Vol.69 No.4 (1995) p.423-440, Zbl.:837.65148 »abstract« »download
  9. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas; A Kaczmarz-based approach to nonperiodic sampling on unions of rectangular lattices, in SampTA - Sampling Theory and Applications (1995) [Riga/Latvia] p.32--37 »abstract« »download
  10. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Qiu, Sigang; Gabor-type matrices and discrete huge Gabor transforms, in Proc. ICASSP'95, IEEE;, Vol.2 (1995) p.1089-1092 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. Optimal iterative algorithms in Gabor analysis, in Proc. IEEE-SP Internat.Symp. on Time-Frequency and Time-scale Analysis (1994) [Philadelphia/PA] p.44--47, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  2. Kozek, Werner;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas Time-frequency synthesis of statistically matched Weyl-Heisenberg prototype signals , in Proc. IEEE-SP Internat. Symp. on Time-Frequency and Time-scale Analysis (1994) [Philadelphia/PA] p.21--24, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; (Sheppard, N.F.; M., Eden; Kantor, G.; ed.) Coherent non-orthogonal expansions reencouraged, in Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Nov. 3-6,1994, Baltimore, Maryland, Vol.1 (1994) p.16a--17a, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz (Benedetto, J.J.; Frazier, M. ed.) Theory and practice of irregular sampling, in Wavelets: Mathematics and Applications , CRC Press, Studies in Advanced Mathematics (1994) [Boca Raton, FL] p.305--363, Zbl.:1090.94524 »abstract« »download
  5. Qiu, Sigang;Feichtinger, Hans G.; The structure of the Gabor matrix and efficient numerical algorithms for discrete Gabor expansion, in Proc. SPIE VCIP94, SPIE 2308 (1994) [Chicago] p.1146-1157, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  6. Qiu, Sigang;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas Inexpensive Gabor decompositions, in Proc. SPIE'94: Wavelets Applications in Signal and Image Processing (1994) [San Diego] p.286--294, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas; (Idell, P.S.; ed.) Recovery of missing segments and lines in images, in Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis, SPIE, Optical Engineering, Vol.33/10 (1994) p.3283--3289, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Türk, Andreas;Strohmer, Thomas; Hierarchical parallel matching pursuit, in Proc. SPIE'94 (1994) [San Diego], Zbl.:ZblXXX »download [PWD-required!]


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz Error analysis in regular and irregular sampling theory, Applicable Analysis, Vol.50 No.3-4 (1993) p.167-189, Zbl.:818.42012 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Christensen, Ole; New efficient methods for Gabor analysis, in SPIE Conf. Vis. Comm., Vol.SPIE 2904 (1993) [Boston] p.987--998, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas (Chetverikov, D.; Kropatsch, W.G. ed.) Fast iterative reconstruction of band-limited images from irregular sampling values, in Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Conf. CAIP Budapest 93 (1993) p.82--91, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; (Jarosz, K.; ed.) New results on regular and irregular sampling based on Wiener amalgams, in Function Spaces, Proc Conf, Edwardsville/IL (USA) 1990 , Marcel Dekker, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., Vol.136 (1992) [New York] p.107--121, Zbl.:0833.46029 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Jarosz, K. ed.) Wiener amalgams over Euclidean spaces and some of their applications, in Function Spaces, Proc Conf, Edwardsville/IL (USA) 1990 , Marcel Dekker, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., Vol.136 (1992) [New York] p.123--137, Zbl.:0833.46030 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Parseval's relationship for nonuniform samples of signals with several variables, Trans.IEEE ASSP, Vol.40 No.5 (1992) p.1262-1266, Zbl.:825.94076 »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]
  4. Cenker, C.;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Mayer, M.;Steier, H.;Strohmer, Thomas New variants of the POCS method using affine subspaces of finite codimension, with applications to irregular sampling, in Conf. SPIE 92 Boston (1992) p.299--310, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz; Iterative reconstruction of multivariate band-limited functions from irregular sampling values, SIAM J. Math. Anal., Vol.23 No.1 (1992) p.244-261, Zbl.:790.42021 »abstract« »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz Irregular sampling theorems and series expansions of band-limited functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol.167 No.2 (1992) p.530-556, Zbl.:776.42021 »abstract« »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz (Beylkin, G.;Coifman, R.R.;Daubechies, I. ed.) Non-orthogonal wavelet and Gabor expansions, and group representations, in Wavelets and their Applications , Jones and Bartlett (1992) [20 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, USA] p.353--376, Zbl.:832.42022 »abstract« »download
  8. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Gröchenig, Karlheinz (Chui, Charles K.;editor: Chui, Charles K. ed.) Gabor wavelets and the Heisenberg group: Gabor expansions and short time Fourier transform from the group theoretical point of view, in Wavelets: a Tutorial in Theory and Applications , Academic Press, Wavelet Anal. Appl., Vol.2 (1992) [Boston] p.359-397, Zbl.:849.43003 »abstract« »download
  9. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz;Walnut, David F.; Wilson bases and modulation spaces, Math. Nachr., Vol.155 (1992) p.7-17, Zbl.:794.46009 »abstract« »download
  10. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Strohmer, Thomas (Dette, K.; Haupt, D.; Polze, C. ed.) IRSATOL - Irregular Sampling of Band-limited Signals TOOLBOX, in Conf. Computers for Teaching, Berlin (1992) p.277--284, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Cenker, C.; Reconstruction algorithms for discrete nonuniform sampled band-limited signals, in 15.OEAGM Conf.,OECG, Vol.56 (1991) p.51--61, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Reconstruction of band-limited signals from irregular samples, a short summary, in 2. International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics with Applications (1991) [Austrian Academy of Sciences] p.52--60, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; New mathematical tools in digital signal processing, in Operations Research, Proc 15th Symp, Vienna/Austria 1990 , Methods Oper. Res., Vol.64 (1991) p.633--641, Zbl.:0729.94509 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Discretization of convolution and reconstruction of band-limited functions from irregular sampling, Academic Press, J. Approx. Theory, Special Issue: Progress in Approximation Theory (1991) [Boston, MA] p.333--345, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Pseudo-inverse matrix methods for signal reconstruction from partial data, in SPIE-Conf., Visual Comm. and Image Proc., Boston (1991) p.766--772, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Cenker, C.;Herrmann, M.; Iterative algorithms in irregular sampling: A first comparison of methods, in Conf. ICCCP`91, March 1991, Phoenix/Az (1991) p.483--489, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Cenker, C.;Steier, H.; Fast iterative and non-iterative reconstruction of band-limited functions from irregular sampling values, Conf. ICASSP`91, May, Toronto (1991) p.1773--1776, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Generalized amalgams, with applications to Fourier transform, Canad. J. Math., Vol.42 No.3 (1990) p.395-409, Zbl.:733.46014 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz;Hermann, M. Iterative methods in irregular sampling theory: Numerical Results, in 7. Aachener Symposium für %% Signaltheorie. ASST 1990, Aachen, Informatik Fachber. 253, Springer-Verlag (1990) p.160--166, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download [PWD-required!]
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gürkanli, A. Turan; On a family of weighted convolution algebras, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., Vol.13 No.3 (1990) p.517-526, Zbl.:752.43001 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Hörmann, Wolfgang Harmonic analysis of generalized stochastic processes on locally compact abelian groups (1990), Zbl.:ZbXXX »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Rassias, T. ed.) An elementary approach to the generalized Fourier transform, in Topics in Mathematical Analysis, World Sci.Pub., Ser. Pure Math. 11 (1989) p.246-272, Zbl.:0737.42011 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Atomic characterizations of modulation spaces through Gabor-type representations, in Proc. Conf. Constructive Function Theory, Rocky Mountain J. Math., Vol.19 No.1 (1989) p.113-126, Zbl.:0780.46023 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; (Byrnes, J.S.; Byrnes, J.L. ed.) Coherent frames and irregular sampling, in Recent Advances in Fourier Analysis and its Applications, Proc NATO/ASI, IL Ciocco/Italy 1989 , Kluwer Acad. Publ., NATO ASI Ser., Ser. C, Vol.315 (1989) p.427--440, Zbl.:790.4201 »abstract« »download
  4. Cenker, C.;Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz Nonorthogonal expansions of signals and some of their applications, in Proc ECMI Conference, Strobl, May 1989 (1989), Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz Banach spaces related to integrable group representations and their atomic decompositions, I, J. Funct. Anal., Vol.86 No.2 (1989) p.307-340, Zbl.:0691.46011, https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1236(89)90055-4 »abstract« »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz Banach spaces related to integrable group representations and their atomic decompositions, II, Monatsh. Math., Vol.108 No.2-3 (1989) p.129-148, Zbl.:0713.43004 »abstract« »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz Multidimensional irregular sampling of band-limited functions in ${L}^p$-spaces., Conf. Oberwolfach Feb. 1989 (1989) p.135-142, Zbl.:0682.42011 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. An elementary approach to Wiener's third Tauberian theorem for the Euclidean $n$-space, in Symposia Math., Analisa Armonica, Vol.XXIX (1988) [Cortona] p.267--301, Zbl.:0651.42005 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Gröchenig, Karlheinz (Cwikel, Michael;Peetre, J.;Sagher, Y.;Wallin, H. ed.) A unified approach to atomic decompositions via integrable group representations, Springer;, Lect. Notes in Math., Vol.1302 (1988) [Berlin] p.52--73, Zbl.:0658.22007 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Nonorthogonal expansions using the Heisenberg group, with applications to Fourier and signal analysis (1988) »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Minimal Banach spaces and atomic representations, Publ. Math. Debrecen, Vol.34 No.3-4 (1987) p.231-240, Zbl.:0562.43003 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Banach spaces of distributions defined by decomposition methods. II., Math. Nachr., Vol.132 (1987) p.207-237, Zbl.:0586.46031 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Leinert, Michael; Individual factorization in Banach modules, Colloq. Math., Vol.51 (1987) p.107-117, Zbl.:0628.46051 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Schachermayer, Walter Local nonfactorization of functions on locally compact groups, Archiv d. Math., Vol.49 (1987) p.72--78, Zbl.:0631.43002 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Schmeisser, Hans-Jürgen Weighted versions of Beurling's Tauberian Theorem, Math. Ann., Vol.275 No.3 (1986) p.353-363, Zbl.:0584.40002 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Seminar Report (86/87): Schmetterer Seminar: How to introduce $S_0(Rd)$. (1986) »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Braun, W. Banach spaces of distributions with double module structure and twisted convolution, in Proc. Alfred Haar Memorial Conf., North Holland Publ. Comp., Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, Coll. J. Bolyai Soc., Vol.49 (1985) p.225 -- 246, Zbl.:0619.46037 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Gröbner, Peter Banach spaces of distributions defined by decomposition methods. I., Math. Nachr., Vol.123 (1985) p.97-120, Zbl.:0586.46030 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. Compactness in translation invariant Banach spaces of distributions and compact multipliers, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol.102 (1984) p.289-327, Zbl.:0515.46044 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Tauberian theorems on groups and Banach modules, in Proc. Conf. on Constructive Function Theory (1984) [Varna] p.334--345, Zbl.:0597.40004 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Modulation spaces on locally compact Abelian groups, University of Vienna (1983) p.52, Zbl.:ZBXXX »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Strong almost periodicity and Wiener type spaces, in Proc. Conf. Constructive Function Theory (1983) [Varna] p.321--327, Zbl.:0536.43015 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. Banach convolution algebras of Wiener type, in Proc. Conf. on Functions, Series, Operators, Budapest 1980, North-Holland, Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, Vol.35 (1983) [Amsterdam] p.509--524, Zbl.:0528.43001 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Banach spaces of distributions having a pointwise and a convolutive module structure, in Proc. Conf. on Topics in Modern Analysis, Ist. Naz. Alta Mat. Francesco Severi (1983) [Torino/Milano] p.1039--1054, Zbl.:0541.46040 »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.; A new family of functional spaces on the Euclidean n-space., in Proc.Conf. on Theory of Approximation of Functions, Teor. Priblizh. (1983), Zbl.:0505.46024 »abstract« »download
  6. Braun, Waldemar;Feichtinger, Hans G.; Banach spaces of distributions having two module structures, J. Funct. Anal., Vol.51 (1983) p.174-212, Zbl.:0515.46045 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Banach spaces of distributions defined by decomposition methods and some of their applications, in Recent Trends in Mathematics , Teubner Texte zur Mathematik, Vol.50 (1982) [Reinhardsbrunn, 1982] p.123--132, Zbl.:Zbl 0505.46023 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G.; A compactness criterion for translation invariant Banach spaces of functions, Analysis Mathematica, Vol.8 (1982) p.165-172, Zbl.:0515.46043 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans, G.; On a new Segal algebra, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Monatshefte für Mathematik, Vol.92 No.4 (1981) p.269–289
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. A characterization of minimal homogeneous Banach spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.81 No.1 (1981) p.55-61, Zbl.:0465.43002 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. (Butzer, P.; Nagy, S.B.; Görlich, E. ed.) Banach spaces of distributions of Wiener's type and interpolation, in Proc. Conf. Functional Analysis and Approximation, Oberwolfach August 1980, Birkhäuser Boston, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math. No.69 (1981) [Basel] p.153--165, Zbl.:0465.43006 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G. On a new Segal algebra, Monatsh. Math., Vol.92 (1981) p.269-289, Zbl.:0461.43003, https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01320058 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. Un espace de Banach de distributions tempérées sur les groupes localement compacts abéliens, Compt.Rend.Acad.Sci.Paris, Ser.A, Vol.290 No.17 (1980) p.791--794, Zbl.:0433.43002 »abstract« »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. The minimal strongly character invariant Segal algebra, II (1980), Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. The Banach space of translation bounded quasimeasures, University of Vienna; (1980) »abstract«
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G. A Banach space of tempered distributions on locally compact abelian groups (1980) p.8, Zbl.:- »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Banach convolution algebras of functions II, Monatsh. Math., Vol.87 (1979) p.181-207, Zbl.:0388.43004 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Weighted ${L}^p$-spaces and the canonical mapping ${T}_{H}\,:\,{L}^1({G})\to {L}^1({G/H})$., Boll.Un.Math.Ital., Vol.15 B/3 (1979) p.989-999, Zbl.:0429.43002 »abstract« »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G. Segal algebras that are not character invariant, Chin.J.Math., Vol.7 (1979) p.55-59, Zbl.:0415.43002 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G. Konvolutoren von ${L}^1({G})$ nach Lipschitz-Räumen, Anz.d.österr.Akad.Wiss., Vol.6 (1979) p.148--153, Zbl.:0458.43003 »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G. Gewichtsfunktionen auf lokalkompakten Gruppen, Sitzber. d. österr. Akad. Wiss., Vol.188 (1979) p.451--471, Zbl.:0447.43004 »abstract« »download
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Graham, Colin C.; Lakien, Eric H. Nonfactorization in commutative, weakly self-adjoint Banach algebras, Pacific J. Math., Vol.80 (1979) p.117-125, Zbl.:0402.43003 »abstract« »download
  7. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Eine neue Segalalgebra mit Anwendungen in der Harmonischen Analyse, in Winterschule 1979, Internationale Arbeitstagung über Topologische Gruppen und Gruppenalgebren (1979) p.23-25, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; On a class of convolution algebras of functions, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Vol.27 (1977) p.135-162, Zbl.:0316.43004 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Multipliers from ${L}^1({G})$ to a homogeneous Banach space., J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol.61 (1977) p.341-356, Zbl.:0368.43002 »download
  3. Feichtinger, Hans G.; A characterization of Wiener's algebra on locally compact groups, Archiv d. Math., Vol.29 (1977) p.136-140, Zbl.:0363.43003 »abstract« »download
  4. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Results on Banach ideals and spaces of multipliers, Math. Scand., Vol.41 No.2 (1977) p.315--324, Zbl.:0373.43003 »download
  5. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Rindler, Harald Symmetrie der Wienerschen Algebra und Gruppenstruktur, Anz. d. österr. Akad. Wiss., Vol.6 (1977) p.89--91, Zbl.:0352.43002
  6. Feichtinger, Hans G. Some remarks on Banach convolution algebras of functions, in Symposia Math., Vol.XXII (1977) p.453--455, Zbl.:0373.43002 »abstract« »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Multipliers of Banach spaces of functions on groups., Math. Z., Vol.152 (1976) p.47-58, Zbl.:0324.43005 »download
  2. Feichtinger, Hans G. Some remarks on Banach convolution algberas of functions, in Symposia Math., Vol.XXII (1976) [Rome] p.453--455, Zbl.:ZblXXX »abstract« »download [PWD-required!]


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. Some new subalgebras of ${L}^1({G})$., Indag. Math., Vol.36 (1974) p.44-47, Zbl.:0272.43004 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G. Zur Idealtheorie von Segal-algebren, Manuscripta Math., Vol.10 (1973) p.307-312, Zbl.:0264.43008 »download


  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.;Luef, Franz;Jakobsen, Mads Sielemann Banach Gelfand Triples for analysis (planned), Notices Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.in preparation (1900) »abstract«

  1. Feichtinger, Hans G.; Multipliers from ${L}^1({G})$ to spaces of Lipschitz type, Zbl.:ZblXXX »download