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11-15.06.2018 Workshop on "Interplay of tensor structured formats with advanced PDE discretizations; session on Signal processing techniques and directionally adapted discretizations" of the Thematic Programme "Numerical Analysis of Complex PDE Models in the Sciences" takes place at Erwin Schrödinger Institut für Mathematik und Ph$
» further information
Strobl18 Harmonic Analysis and Applications
03. - 09. June 2018 :: Strobl, AUSTRIA
Special Issue on Harmonic Analysis at MDPI (deadline Feb. 28st, 2019):
08.03.2018 We congratulate Thomas Mejstrik on the birth of his daughter Alma .
Mathematical Challenges of Structured Function Systems Erwin Schroedinger Institute (Univ. Vienna)

14.12.2017 Ferenc Weisz has received the Dennes Gabor Memorial Prize in Budapest (»pictures).
05.12.2017 In January 2018 (Jan. 8th to Jan. 20th) Hans G. Feichtinger will give a 24-lesson PhD course at IIT Chennai: LINK
20.11.2017 The international project "Construction of new smoothness spaces on domains" will be funded by FWF (Austria) and DFG (Germany).
Group in Vienna: Feichtinger, Grohs
Group in Marburg: Dahlke
27.10.2017 We congratulate Roswitha Bammer on the birth of her son Nahuel!
Hans Feichtinger has held the 16th Jarnik Lecture at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague. 
Systematic approaches to deep learning methods for audio
Erwin Schroedinger Institute (Univ. Vienna)

15.05.2017 FWF has approved the Stand-Alone-project "Stable Infinite Dimensional Phase Retrieval" (project leader: Prof. Dr. Philipp Grohs).

  Philipp Grohs in the news:
  • Philipp was appointed associate editor of IEEE Trans. Information Theory. Congratulations.
  • Philipp teaches the first course on "deep learning" in Austria. The attendance of 60 students sets a new record for an advanced course in mathematics.
  • Finally, we congratulate Philipp on the birth of his daughther Mia.
28.03.2017:   The paper "What is variable bandwidth?" of Karlheinz Gröchenig and Andreas Klotz has appeared online in Comm. Pure Appl. Math.: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpa.21694/full
28.02.2017:   Markus Faulhuber has defended his thesis on "Extremal Bounds of Gaussian Gabor Frames and Properties of Jacobi’s Theta Functions", with distinction. Congratulations!
Oct.-Dec. 2016:   Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Feichtinger will be at
Technical University of Denmark - DTU.
23.08.2016: Roswitha Bammer received a Uni-Doc-Scholarship for the project
"Innovative Signal Representation in Machine Learning (ISiRIM) - Methods for Music"
65th birthday of Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Feichtinger

Celebrating Mihai Putinar's visit and Jose Luis's habilitation.
Jose Luis Romero was awarded the habilitation with excellent reports. Congratulation!
Strobl16 Time-Frequency Analysis and Related Topics
06. - 10. June 2016 :: Strobl, AUSTRIA
15.-16.04.2016: WoATA16: Workshop on approximation theory and applications
First Austrian-German-Italian workshop for doctoral and postdoctoral students from Graz, Milano, Passau and Vienna.
10.03.2016: Award for the report of FFG-student internship held at NuHAG July 2015.
    » REPORT
    » pictures of award ceremony
19.02.2016: Nina Engelputzeder has sucessfully defended his PhD-thesis Linear Time Variant Systems and Gabor Riesz Bases
Extended NuHAG at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in Bonn
Markus Faulhuber Philipp Grohs
Karlheinz Gröchenig Akram Aldroubi

Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Feichtinger:
"45 Years of Fourier Analysis in Vienna: Changes during an Academic Life Time"
Faculty of Mathematics, Oskar Morgenstern-Platz 1, Vienna

...some pictures of »hgfei/NuHAG
29.11.2015: Congratulation: Franz Luef became father of Maja!
04.11.2015: NuHAG seminar with Prof. Joachim Stöckler

Press conference about 650 years University of Vienna with the participation of Martin Ehler (Leader of the project "CHARMED" at NuHAG)
see article »

15.10.2015: A busy day at NuHAG...
10.08.2015: Peter Berger has sucessfully defended his PhD-thesis "Sampling and reconstruction in distinct subspaces using oblique projections".
28.07.2015: Gino Angelo Velasco
has sucessfully defended his PhD-thesis "Time-Frequency Localization and Sampling in Gabor Analysis" .
3-year PhD position
at the University of Vienna, Austria (no teaching load). This position starts end of 2015/beginning of 2016. Thesis topic is on subdivision, wavelet frames and/or numerical linear algebra. Good knowledge of numerical analysis, algebra, approximation theory, English language and programming skills are required. The position will be funded through the FWF individual grant P28287-N35. [see announcement]
Glad to announce that Isabella Obermaier gave birth to Mia.
Roswitha Bammer has sucessfully defended her master-thesis Signaltransformation via Gabor Multiplier.
first examiner: Monika Dörfler
second examiner: Ilaria Perugia
chairperson: Ilse Fischer
04.03.2015 FFG Praktika2015
Eine Gruppe von Intership SchülerInnen wird im Juli an der NuHAG ein Praktikum (finanziert von der FFG) absolvieren.
WEBPAGE:: http://www.univie.ac.at/praktikum-mathematik

23-24.01.2015: 30 Years of Wavelets: Impact and Future (CIRM, Luminy Marseille)
MORLET 2014 Function Spaces and Harmonic Analysis

27.-31. October 2014 (Marseille, CIRM)

6.-10. October 2014: »Workshop

With the Call 2014 "Mathematics and ..." following project will be funded:
"Semantic Annotation by Learned Structured and Adaptive Signal Representations (SALSA)"
Duration: 42 Monate
Monika Dörfler
derstandard: "Ein Wörterbuch für den Datenwald"
Karin Schnass sucht einfache Beschreibungen für komplexe Daten

02.07.2014: Glad to announce that Monika Dörfler gave birth to Flora!

16.06.2014: Karin Schnass received the START project
"Optimisation Principles, Models and Algorithms for Dictionary Learning"
(masterthesis "Gabor Multipliers. A self-contained survey" [2004] advisor Prof. H.G.Feichtinger)

Strobl14 Modern Time-Frequency Analysis
02. - 06. June 2014 :: Strobl, AUSTRIA
13.05.2014: NuHAG wird Internships im Rahmen des folgenden Programmes zur Verfuegung stellen. Anmeldung via FFG (Kontaktaufnahme mit Prof. Feichtinger hans.feichtinger@univie.ac.at)
Link zu FFG»
Thomas Strohmer and Matthew Herman was one of the five recipients of the Best Paper award by the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
Matthew Herman and Thomas Strohmer,
"High-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing",
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Volume: 57, No. 6, June 2009.
Markus Faulhuber has defended his master-thesis Geometry and Gabor Frames with distinction.
15.04.2014: Praktika für Schülerinnen und Schüler 2014
Talente - Ausschreibung Praktika für Schülerinnen und Schüler 2014 mit Schwerpunkt "Mobilität der Zukunft". (Einreichfrist ist der 25. Juli 2014)
Martin Ehler has presented successfully his habilitation talk
"Computational Harmonic Analysis of highdimensional data"!
01.04.2014: Congratulations: Severin Bannert

and Sonja became parents of Franziska.

18.03.2014: Austrian patent for
(Team: Saptarshi Das, Mario Hampejs and Hans G. Feichtinger).
04.03.2014: Angelika Höfler
has successfully defended her PhD thesis Necessary Density Conditions for Frames on Homogeneous Groups.
17.01.2014: Christoph Wiesmeyr
has successfully defended his PhD thesis Construction of frames by discretization of phase space.
»see presentation
ESI14 ESI semester: follow-up workshop on TF-analysis
13.-17. January 2014
04.10.2013: Nicki Holighaus has successfully defended his PhD thesis Theory and implementation of adaptive time-frequency transforms.
17.06.2013: The Kadison+Feichtinger's conjecture has been proved by Adam Marcus, Daniel A Spielman, Nikhil Srivastava (see image of Feichtinger & Kadison)
H.G. Feichtinger will hold the Jean Morlet Research Chair in Marseilles (CIRM) from August 2014 until January 2015. The chair is named after Jean Morlet, a French geophysicist, who pioneered work in the field of wavelet analysis.

Monika Dörfler has presented successfully her habilitation talk
"Local and Global Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis with Applications to Sound Analysis"!
»presentation [PDF]
(so she can supervise now her own PhD students)
26.04.2013: Three successful master-theses:
» Nicole S. Trabauer: Quasi-Interpolation and Spline-Type-Spaces
» Dominik Fuchs: Gabor Analysis of Structured Sparsity and some Applications
» Sümeyye Ceylan: Polynomials and the Fast Fourier-Transformation
12.04.2013: press release: Martin Ehler
"Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators Call 2012 Mathematics and ..." at WWTF
uniview: 1,5 Mio. Euro für "Young Investigator" Martin Ehler
derstandard: Millionenförderung für zwei Mathematiker
30.03.2013: Glad to announce that Gabi Maier gave birth to Valerie !
01.02.2013: Kirian Döpfner has defended his master-thesis Quality of Gabor Multipliers for Operator Approximation with distinction.
19.12.2012: Martin Ehler was able to win the competition "Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators Call 2012 Mathematics and ..." at WWTF.
Title: "Computational harmonic analysis of high-dimensional biomedical data"
ESI12 ESI semester: "Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis"
September - December 2012
12.11.2012: Glad to announce that Nina Engelputzeder gave birth to Malina Victoria !
11.12.2012: Andreas Missbauer has defended his master-thesis Gabor Frames and the Fractional Fourier Transform [PDF] with distinction.
16.11.2012: Sebastian Schmutzhard has defended his PhD thesis Galerkin methods for the numerical evaluation of the prolate spheroidal wave functions with distinction.
09.11.2012: Call for Papers: Computed Tomography and Fourier Analysis [PDF]
10.10.2012: Hans G. Feichtinger is consultant to a recently accepted clinical project:
"KLI 237 Katrin KLEBERMASS-SCHREHOF / Medizinische Universität Wien Entwicklung von Schlaf-Wach-Zyklen bei Frühgeborenen und deren Auswirkungen"
01.09.2012: Anders C. Hansen became father of Anna Amalie Maraas Sindre (3940g).
20.07.2012: Massimo Fornasier has obtained ERC Starting Grant 2012.
15.07.2012: NuHAG internship candidate (2011 and 2012) Johannes Girsch, scores top at the International Mathematical Olympiad (best AUSTRIAN representative).
» see problems
21.06.2012: Daniel Eiwen became father of Samuel !
05.06.2012: Anders Christian Hansen has been awarded Royal Society University Research Fellowships in this year's competition.
ESI12 ESI semester: "Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis"
September - December 2012
25.05.2012: Daniel Eiwen has sucessfully defended his PhD thesis.
04.04.2012: Wie in den Vorjahren bietet NuHAG auch 2012 im Rahmen von »"Generation Innovation" im Juli ein einmonatiges Internship an, für SchülerInnen (HTL, AHS) bzw. MaturantInnen mit Interesse an Mathematik und Signalverarbeitung.
10.03.2012: Monika Dörfler : »"Mit Mathematik den Klängen auf der Spur" [diePresse.com]
LTFAT12 Workshop LTFAT:
»http://nuhag.eu/ltfat12 October 03 - 04, 2012
09.12.2011: Elmar Pauwels has sucessfully defended his PhD thesis:
"Pseudodifferential Operators, Wireless Communications and Sampling Theorems" 
Alles Schall und Rauschen
Mit Mathematik ist Peter Balazs den kleinsten Tönen auf der Spur, um so die Akustik von Hörgeräten, Handys und Lärmschutzwänden zu verbessern
» derstandard » PDF-version of article » falter.at
Mathematik für die Ohren » die Presse
Mathematik zum Musizieren
Was in den verschiedenen Frequenzen passiert:
Monika Dörfler erforscht Klänge und deren Strukturen bis ins kleinste Detail

Was in den verschiedenen Frequenzen passiert:
Monika Dörfler erforscht Klänge und deren Strukturen bis ins kleinste Detail

» diestandard
» PDF-version of article
FLAME12 FLAME Kickoff May 7.-8. 2012, Vienna »homepage »program
The project P23902 Hamiltonsche Deformationen von Gabor Frames (»Maurice de Gosson) has just been accepted by »FWF.
23.09.2011: Gino Angelo Velasco has received "the best student paper award" of the conference
14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects for the paper
Constructing an Invertible Constant-Q Transform with Nonstationary Gabor Frames
[M. Dörfler, N. Holighaus, T. Grill and G. Velasco]
23.09.2011  published  P
    (Tomas Hrycak, Saptarshi Das, Hans G. Feichtinger, Gerald Matz) »PDF
    (Tomas Hrycak, Saptarshi Das, Hans G. Feichtinger, Gerald Matz) »PDF
macha11 1st Workshop: A Computational Approach to Harmonic Analysis
August 22-26, 2011 Philipps-University, Marburg
09.08.2011: Glad to announce that Isabella Obermaier gave birth to Marlin !
28.06.2011:  [Strobl2011] :: FINAL REPORT 
21.06.2011: Peter Balazs (Acoustics Research Institute, ÖAW, Vienna) receives the 2011 START award!
» Frames and Linear Operators for Acoustical Modeling and Parameter Estimation (FLAME)
Strobl11 From Abstract to Computational Harmonic Analysis
13. - 19. June 2011 :: Strobl, AUSTRIA
 »FINAL REPORT«  »http://nuhag.eu/strobl11      
01.04.2011: Massimo Fornasier will be holding a full Professorship in Applied Numerical Analysis at the Technical University of Munich in Germany.
30.03.2011: [uni:view]
"Grenzgänge zwischen Musik und Mathematik"
...Ein internationales Forschungsteam unter der Leitung von Monika Dörfler beleuchtet die interdisziplinäre Schnittstelle zwischen der sinnlichen Kunst und der streng formalen Wissenschaft im Rahmen eines WWTF-Projekts...
22.03.2011: Sebastian Schmutzhard is coauthor of the paper "PERFORMANCE BOUNDS FOR SPARSE PARAMETRIC COVARIANCE ESTIMATION IN GAUSSIAN MODELS" together with Alexander Jung (TU Vienna), Franz Hlawatsch (TU Vienna), Alfred Hero (University of Michigan), which has received a "Best Student Paper Award" for the upcoming ICASSP Conference in Prague.
28.02.2011: Linda Schlaffer has defended her master thesis:
"PISA-Studie versus Realität Schule"
28.02.2011: Dominik Bayer has defended his PhD thesis with distinction:
"Bilinear Time-Frequency Distributions and Pseudodierential Operators"
02.12.2010: Benjamin - son of Pauwels Elmar was born!
25.11.2010: Severin Bannert sucessfully finnished his masterthesis Banach-Gelfand Triples and Applications in Time-Frequency Analysis
Andreas Klotz has defended his PhD thesis with distinction:
"Nichtkommutative Approximation: Glattheit, Approximation und Invertier-barkeit in Banachalgebren"
10.10.2010: Holger Rauhut has just been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council. »article universitätbonn (german)
Click »here« to see more awards with NuHAG-participation!
06.09.2010: Christchurch: Hans G. Feichtinger returned after two months safely from Christchurch, less than week before it was heavily hit by the strongest earthquake in recent history (Richter 7.1, »see here« ). It is a miracly that no person was killed, because it occurred at 4.35 in the morning. We wish all the best to our colleagues and friends, which have provided great hospitality.
01.07.2010: The project "Frames and Harmonic Analysis" (»Karlheinz Gröchenig) has just been accepted by »FWF.
15.06.2010: ARI Mulac Frame Meeting:
at the Acoustics Research Institute, Wohllebengasse 12-14. (1st floor)
26-27.05.2010: 1st international Audio-Miner Workshop:
»program« »location: ÖFAI«
19.05.2010: Michael Balazs was born - son of Peter Balazs
12.03.2010: Anna Leticia Ölz was born (51cm, 3.29kg) - daughter of Ivana Carrizo und Dietmar Ölz
18.02.2010: 1st Audio Miner Workshop:
»Mathematical Signal Analysis and Modeling for Manipulation of Sound Objects
18.01.2010: Music: Broken Symmetry, Geometry, and Complexity
(Gary W. Don, Karyn K. Muir, Gordon B. Volk, James S. Walker)
Roza Aceska has defended successfully her PhD thesis
"Functions of Variable Bandwidth: A time-frequency approach".
Saptarshi Das has defended his PhD thesis with distinction:
"Mathematical Methods for Wireless Channel Estimation and Equalization" 
08.09.2009 P
"Multicarrier signal equalizing method of intercarrier interference for mobile phone, involves determining equalized signal by solving frequency domain channel matrix using sparse linear equation and sparse least squares algorithm"
07.09.2009: The WWTF proposal Audio-Miner. Mathematical Signal Analysis and Modeling for Manipulation of Sound Objects featuring Monika Dörfler a "high potential" has been selected for full support, i.e. for a three year duration.
31.08. - 04.09.2009 Summer School on "Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery"
held at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) (see »poster)
08.07.2009: Forschungsnewsletter 39: "Signale unter der Lupe"
Report about the new Hertha-Firnberg-project "Lokale Aspekte in der Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse - Thema und Variationen" by Monika Dörfler.
Strobl09 Conference on Time-Frequency
15. - 20. June 2009 :: Strobl, AUSTRIA

Thank you for attending this conference!
Thank you for attending this conference!
»http://nuhag.eu/strobl09       » some pictures
10.06.2009: The publication Peter Balazs was accepted to the "Short-List of the Best Paper Awards of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2008" .
01.06.2009: Karin Schnass gave birth to her daughter Nike.
31.08-04.09.2009: Summer School on "Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery" will be held at the (RICAM), Linz - Austria (see »poster)
17.04.2009: reactivation of "Mathematischer Zirkel"
13.03.2009: Karin Schnass has her public thesis defense 17:15, at EPFL. Title of the thesis: Sparsity & Dictionaries: Algorithms & Design
26.02.2009: "How camels could explain quantum uncertainty"
An article in New Scientist about the mathematical concept called "symplectic camel" by Maurice de Gosson
17.02.2009: Time-frequency Analysis of Musical Rhythm: An article of X.Cheng, J.V.Hart and J.S.Walker in the March issue of the Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc. with references to the work of Monika Dörfler, Hans G. Feichtinger, Thomas Strohmer and Peter Balazs.
01.01.2009: Franz Luef: Start of the Marie Curie Outgoing fellowship "MOTIF - Modern Methods of Operator Algebras for Time-Frequency Analysis", the Outgoing Phase, 2009-2010, takes place at »UC Berkeley.
01.01.2009: Monika Dörfler: Hertha-Firnberg-Programm "Local Aspects of Time - Frequency - Analysis. Variation on a Theme." will start on 01.03.2009.
01.01.2009: Norbert Kaiblinger: Start of the FWF-project "Continuous and discrete Gabor frames".
10.11.2008: Massimo Fornasier (now RICAM, Linz) was given a START Prize by the FWF (2009-2014).
30.09.2008 OPEN HOUSE at the new office Alserbachstraße 23.
22.09.2008: MULAC KICKOFF MEETING at ARI, Vienna [»tentative program«]
01-05.09.2008: WORKSHOP: "Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space"
18.08.2008: Starting of the (pre)registration for the conference Strobl09.
25.08.2008: The NuHAG-office will move
from Nordbergstrasse to Alserbachstrasse [Google-Map].
07-11.06.2008: and IK out for internal workshop at Strobl!
26.06.2008: FWF announces the successful application of NuHAG member Monika Dörfler: "Local aspects of time-frequency analysis. Variations on a theme. "
(3 years)
25-27.11.2008: WORKSHOP:
"Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space" (PART 2)
[Program] [Participants] [Registration]
04.06.2008: Two successful habilitations have been presented by former NuHAG members
26.05.2008: Online-Zeitung der Univiersität Wien: "Das Verhalten von Signalen"
WWTF-Projekts "Frame Multipliers: Theory and Applications in Acoustics"
[Peter Balazs, Hans G. Feichtinger]
01.05.2008: MathTalksAustria   New Austrian Talk Server »http://ats.mat.univie.ac.at:3000
28.03.2008: Open Ph. D. Positions
is offering a doctoral position in the context of the National Research Network Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering (SISE). » job-offer
Applications: Register »here« using [type=SISE PHD candidate]
30.04.-02.05.2008: Conference (ICMS - University of Edinburgh):
Classical and Modern Harmonic Analysis: from Theory to Numerical Computation
14.03.2008: [online-Zeitung univie]:
Mathematisches Verfahren optimiert Datenübertragung
(Forschungsprojekt mit Beteiligung von Holger Rauhut)
07.03.2008: EuCETIFA-Mid Term Meeting
01.02.2008: Hans G. Feichtinger is spending a few months in the spring of 2008 als LEVERHULM VISITING PROFESSOR at the Department of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh.
07.12.2007: NuHAG has also supported the following successful Individual Marie Curie Fellowship Applications:
Franz Luef: MOTIF - Modern Methods of Operator Algebras for Time- Frequency Analysis
(2 years USA, Berkeley, one year back to Vienna) Marie Curie Outgoing Fellowship
Sigrid Heineken: SFSASDA - Spline-like function spaces with applications to scattered data approximation
(2 years, Incoming Marie Curie Proposal)
07.12.2007: In the framework of the NFN (National Research Network) SISE (Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering)
the Proposal on subproject PP 2: Signal and Information Representation (PP leader: K. Gröchenig, Coappl. H.G. Feichtinger) has just been accepted by FWF. The duration of such an NFN is 3 + 3 years (with a full evaluation after the first period).
01.12.2007: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Thema des Monats [Dezember] "Mathemaik in ..." ...»der Schallforschung«
28.11.2007: Ausschreibung einer Assistentin/eines Assistenten im Arbeitsbereich des Instituts für Mathematik
09.11.2007: Open Post Doctorate Positions
[The Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences]
30.10.2007: FWF-Project P20442: Symplectic Geometry for TFA and QM
Principal investigator: Hans G. Feichtinger
Researchers F. Luef and M. De Gosson
01.10.2007: WWTF announces two successful applications of NuHAG members within their support program for 'High Potentials':
  • Holger Rauhut (NuHAG):
    Sparse Signals and Operators: Theory, Methods, and Applications
  • Peter Balazs (ARI):
    Frame Multipliers: Theory and Applications in Acoustics
11.09.2007: Today Aliosha son of Mariusz Piotrowski was born!
30.08.2007: Glad to announce that Holger Rauhut became father of Niels!
29.06.2007: Ewa Matusiak has defended her PhD thesis with distinction. »presentation«
18-22.06.2007: International Conference - Strobl07
"Trends in Harmonic Analysis"

[Strobl, Salzburg, AUSTRIA]
»homepage« »program« »participants« »talks/poster«
18.05.2007: Mathematik: Die Musik des Herzens
Forschung, Universitäre Forschungsschwerpunkte.
(german article in dieUniversität)
10.05.2007: Simone Wehling has defended her PhD thesis with distinction.
30.04.2007: Peter Soendergaard has defended his PhD thesis at the TU Copenhagen (Lyngby): "Finite Discrete Gabor Analysis".
11.-13.04.07: WORKSHOP in preparation for an EU-Network, Wolkersdorf
28.03.2007: Master Thesis of Annette Schocher: "Die Kegelschnitte in der Schule"
21.03.2007: Norbert Kaiblinger's Habilitation talk.
27.02.2007: Glad to announce that Ewa Matusiak gave birth to Mila!
12.02.2007: IK-members: By now the team of the IK is complete. In March two more members will join in: Saptarshi Das and Nina Engelputzeder.
"Initiativkolleg" on MODERN MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS and APPLICATIONS Time-frequency analysis and microlocal analysis
20.-24.11.2006: ESI November Meetings: Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis
19.11.2006: Qasem Narimani, a long-term NuHAG fellow, has defended his PhD thesis at Tabriz University (Iran). The title of the work was "Decomposition Spaces and the Fourier Multipliers of alpha-Modulation Spaces".
28.08.2006: Start of the registration for the conference
Strobl07 "Trends in Harmonic Analysis"
[June 17-23, 2007 Strobl, Salzburg, AUSTRIA]
08.08.2006: Universitätsschwerpunkt Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften - "University Priority Research Area : Computational Science" of the Uni Wien:
 [n\a\h\a] "Numerical and Applied Harmonic Analysis" 
led by H.G.Feichtinger (see homepage » http://univie.ac.at/nuhag-php/naha)
07.06.2006: [Mathematisches Kolloquium C206 16:00] The inaugural lecture of Prof. Karlheinz Gröchenig: "Wieners Lemma: Thema und Variationen"
10.05.2006: Karin Nowak passed the final examination with the master thesis Excess of Gabor Frames
03.05.2006: Wojciech Czaja successfully finished the procedure of postdoctoral lecture qualification by given the talk: "Beurling dimension and wave packets of Cordoba and Fefferman".
06-11.03.2006: Workshop: "Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis"
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad, Serbia

01.03.2006: Positive decision on the application for an Initiativkolleg on
Time-frequency analysis and microlocal analysis

Click »here« to read the description of this program (german/english).

16.02.2006: Courses for summer term 2006 can be found »here«.

07.10.2005: dieuniversitaet-online.at: press release about the start of "EUCETIFA"

03.10.2005: Start of the courses in winter term 05/06. Click »here« for more information.

06-11.03.2006: Workshop: "Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis"
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad, Serbia

01.03.2006: Positive decision on the application for an 'Initiativkolleg' on
MODERN MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS and APPLICATIONS (Time-frequency analysis and microlocal analysis)
Click »here« to read the description of this program (german/english).

16.02.2006: Courses for summer term 2006 can be found »here«.

07.10.2005: dieuniversitaet-online.at: press release about the start of "EUCETIFA"

03.10.2005: Start of the courses in winter term 05/06. Click »here« for more information.


30.09.2005: Start of our new homepage! If you are still looking for the old NuHAG homepage please go to http://univie.ac.at/nuhag/index_OLD.html

01.08.2005: We have just started the MOHAWI-project, funded by WWTF (Karlheinz Groechenig, HGFei + Franz Hlawatsch and Gerald Matz: TU Vienna).