In the following you will find a list of research projects carried out at NUHAG.

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X Matched Time-Frequency Signal Representations FWF P10531-ÖPH 1995 1996
sponsored by the FWF, the Austrian Science Foundation.

Project Id.: P-10531-ÖPH

Project leader: Dr. F.Hlawatsch

Dr. Franz Hlawatsch from the Dept. of Elect.Eng. (Techn.Univ. of Vienna, an
expert in Time-frequency methods) has invited Hans G. Feichtinger to
co-apply for this project concerning applications of Gabor methods.

This project has been accepted by the FWF, and there are already several
joint papers involving the authors Helmut Bölcskei, Franz Hlawatsch and Hans
G. Feichtinger.

ANB ... Austrian National Bank
EC ...European Commission
FWF ... Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
UniVie ... University of Vienna
WWTF ... Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds