In the following you will find a list of research projects carried out at NUHAG.

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X Spline-like function spaces with applications to scattered data approximation EC SFSASDA 2008.04.01 2010.03.31
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (IEF)
We develop mathematical methods for scattered data approximation that can be used to implement efficient algorithms in signal processing and related areas. Inspired by existing theory (spline-type spaces generated by regular lattices) and practical methods used in geophysics (equivalent source method) the project is going for the development of a theory of spline-like spaces, with slowly varying centers and variable nodes.We consider the problem in spaces generated by translates of compressed or dilated copies of a function (or finitely many functions) along irregularly spaced points. We cover both the functional analytic side and the computational aspects of the problem

ANB ... Austrian National Bank
EC ...European Commission
FWF ... Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
UniVie ... University of Vienna
WWTF ... Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds