In the following you will find a list of research projects carried out at NUHAG.

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X Neue Mathematische Methoden zur Klassifizierung und Linderung von Gehörschäden ANB 1993 1994
sponsored by the "Universitätspreis 1993"
Project leader: Prof. Ehrenberger
Recently cooperation with Prof. Ehrenberger (head of the ETN-clinique at the general hospital) has started through the work of two physicists (Markus Feuerstein and Stefan Thurner), about the possible application of signal analytic methods to help to improve the "understandability" of speech signals. The results are encouraging. This enterprise has also allowed us to prepare input/output from micros to MATLAB to a loud-speaker system, for test and presentation, equipment to record sound signals on a DAT, etc.., and hopefully will result in a permanent engagement of one of the young colleagues as non-medical scientific personnel at the AKH, the General (=university) Hospital of Vienna.

ANB ... Austrian National Bank
EC ...European Commission
FWF ... Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
UniVie ... University of Vienna
WWTF ... Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds