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X Numerical Harmonic Analysis and Image Processing FWF S7001-MAT 1994 1999
Task I.3 of the FSP-7001 project of the FWF.
This is a subtask of the project Mathematical Methods and Tools
for Digital Image Processing, which is part of the Austrian
Research Program
on Theory and Applications of Digital Image Processing
and Pattern Recognition
sponsored by the FWF, the Austrian Science

Project Id.: S-7001-MAT

Project leader: Prof. F.Pichler

Task leader: H.G.Feichtinger

Many interesting fields of image analysis and image processing require
more and more sophisticated mathematical methods for an efficient solution
of the current problems (e.g. the task of storing and transmitting images in
an efficient way). This necessitates a large amount of theoretical and
mathematical work in a rather broad segment at the meeting point of modern
mathematics and image analysis based on the experimental toolbox "IRSATOL"
(based itself on MATLAB). These investigations will consist of a combination
of refined mathematical theory and efficient soft- and hardware to meet the
diversity of situations encountered in practice with varying extra knowledge
about data with varied additional structure.

The perspective is continuation of the successful work done so far for
another five years, in cooperation with:

  • Task 1: Institute for Systems Science, Univ.Linz, (Prof.Dr. F.Pichler),

  • Task 2: Institute for Statistics, Operation Research and Computer
    Methods, Univ. Vienna, (Prof.Dr.G.Pflug,

  • Task 3: Institute for Computer Graphics, Univ.Graz, (Prof.Dr.


ANB ... Austrian National Bank
EC ...European Commission
FWF ... Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
UniVie ... University of Vienna
WWTF ... Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds