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Semester Titel Fachgebiet Lehrveranstaltung Beschreibung «zurück zu allen Skripten
2008Edinburgh CourseLinear algebra,numeric mathematic,applied mathematicsLinear Algebra INTROMATLAB,scalar products,orthogonal decomposition,orthonormal bases,unitary matrices,biorthogonal systems,Gram Schmidt procedure,Geometric pictures and their numerical realization,Linear mappings etc.,Polynomial functions,evaluating polynomials,...ETC.!!!- basic notations concerning MATLAB;
- Getting entries into matrices, comparing columns, Gauss-elemination at one stroke using RREF, inverse matrix: INV(A); rank(A); det(A);
- Showing how to plot;

- scalar products, orthogonal decomposition along a subspace, orthonormal bases, unitary matrices, biorthogonal systems, Gram Schmidt procedure

- Geometric pictures and their numerical realization.

- Recall some mathematical facts, like rank of a matrix (row-rank equals column rank, which means that any two bases for the row-space and the column space have the same dimension);

- Linear mappings (those which respect linear combinations), building the matrix of a linear mapping for a given linear mapping (e.g. projection in x-y-plane) given a basis for the departing and target space of the linear mapping, matrices and composition rules for mappings. Inverse matrix and inversion of the linear mapping.

- Polynomial functions, evaluating polynomials, Vandermonde matrices,

- Applications to signal and image processing

... and much more ! ...