Talks given at NuHAG events

Modulation Spaces seen as Coorbit Spaces

  Hans G. Feichtinger

  given at  Imperial College (25.02.11 14:00)
  id:  2032
  length:  80min
  status:  hide
The purpose of this presentation is to provide some backgroun on modulation spaces, relating them both to the general construction of Wiener Amalgam spaces (using BUPUs: bounded uniform partitions of unity in contrast to dyadic decompositions as they are used for the characterization of Besov spaces) and the general construction of coorbit spaces. Other examples of coorbit spaces are related to the natural action of the "ax+b" group on L2(Rd) by translation and dilation, leading to the continuous wavelet transform, and to the Besov-Triebel Lizorkin spaces.

Various results and the motivation behind the theory of modulation spaces are provided in an informal manner.

The BIBTEX database at contains a large number of papers concerning modulation spaces.

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