On a Banach Gelfand Triple (and its use in Engineering and Mathematics)Hans G. Feichtinger (NuHAG) given at Imperial College (London) (29.09.14 15:30) id: 2937 length: 90min status: type: www: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/mathematics/research/analysis/pureanalysisandpdes/activities LINK-Presentation: ABSTRACT: The Banach Gelfand Triple based on the Segal Algebra S_o(R^d) will be described, which is a suitable Banach algebra of test function, invariant under the Fourier transform. It is a dense subspace of L^2(R^d), and can often take the role of the Schwartz space of rapidely descreasing functions. Its dual consists of all tempered distributions which have a bounded STFT (Short time Fourier Transform). The space (together with the intermediate Hilbert space) are universally useful for many questions related to Fourier analysis or time-frequency analysis. |