Fourier Analysis based on Gelfand Triples and Modulation SpacesHans G. Feichtinger given at Workshop: "Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis" (08.03.06 15:15) id: 323 length: 45min status: type: LINK-Preprint: LINK-Presentation: ABSTRACT: The modern viewpoint on modulation spaces describes them as Banach spaces of distributions (tempered or even ultra-distributions) whose elements are characterized by a certain decay and summability properties of their Short time Fourier transforms with respect to e.g. the Gaussian window. As it has been shown in many papers and in particular in K. Groechenigs book (Foundations of TF Analysis) this family of spaces is extremely useful when it comes to the description of the behaviour of many important mapping arising in Fourier analysis as well as in various application areas. The prototype of such a mapping is the Fourier transform, which should not be seen as just a unitary mapping on the Hilbert space $L^2$ but rather on a whole family of modulation spaces (all the ones arising from solid function spaces on phase space which are invariant with respect to rotation of phase space by 90 degrees!, e.g. those arising from weighted $L^p$ spaces with radial symmetric weights). Since the rich variety of (new) function spaces appears a bit confusing to new-comers it has turned out to be useful to restrict this family to just two important case (aside from $L^2$): adding the modulation spaces corresponding to a simple $L^1$ and its dual corresponding to an $L^\infty$ condition (also known as Feichtinger's Segal algebra $S_0$ and $S'_O$). The triple $(S_0,L^2,S'_0)$ is called a Banach Gelfand triple, and the concept of (unitary) Banach Gelfand triple morphisms is quite useful. Among other one can claim that the Fourier transform is such an isomorophism, uniquele determined by the fact that it maps the pure frequencies into the corresponding Dirac measures, while the so-called spreading mapping extends the well-known identification of Hilbert Schmidt operators and their $L^2$ spreading symbols (over the TF-plane) to a Gelfand triple isomorphism for a suitable Gelfand triple of operator spaces (which have a simple description due to the kernel theorem for operators on $S'_0$), uniquely determined by the fact that it maps the pure TF-shift operators on the corresponding Dirac measures (living on the TF-plane). |