Talks given at NuHAG events

Function space theory: from Lipschitz Spaces to Shubin Classes

  Hans G. Feichtinger

  given at  NuHAG seminar (10.01.07 11:15)
  id:  511
  length:  85min
  status:  accepted
  type:  seminar talk
Should be interesting for all NuHAG members (we/you will see).
Function spaces: first L^p-classes, weighted L^p-spaces, complex (and a bit of real) interpolation, changing the weight,
Short motivation to consider Lipschitz spaces, Besov spaces, duality, interpolation

Bessel potentials describing a lifting (semi)group of real operators

Connection between modulation spaces and Shubin Classes Q_s ...

Presentation by HGFei

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