
Strobl09 Conference on Time-Frequency
15. - 20. June 2009 :: Strobl, AUSTRIA

Thank you for attending this conference!
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01.01.2009: Franz Luef: Start of the Marie Curie Outgoing fellowship "MOTIF - Modern Methods of Operator Algebras for Time-Frequency Analysis", the Outgoing Phase, 2009-2010, takes place at »UC Berkeley.

25-27.11.2008: WORKSHOP:
"Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space" (PART 2)
[Program] [Participants] [Registration]

01-05.09.2008: WORKSHOP:
"Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space" (PART 1)
[Program] [Participants] [Registration]

18.08.2008: Starting of the (pre)registration for the conference Strobl09.

07.03.2008::: EuCETIFA-Mid Term Meeting

28.11.2007: :: Ausschreibung einer Assistentin/eines Assistenten im Arbeitsbereich des Instituts für Mathematik

01.10.2006 :: The team is happy to welcome Profs. Maurice de Gosson (six months) and Jeffrey Hogan, University of Arkansas (three months) as sabbatical visitors.

06.03.2006 :: Begin of the TIME-FREQUENCY SEMINAR
This seminar will be devoted to current research topics in time-frequency analysis. We will study a selection of recent articles and discuss research problem that are investigated in our group (EUCETIFA and NuHAG). Several guest speakers are expected during the semester. The language will be English. (for more details see timefrequencyseminar.pdf)
Time: Monday, 11 a.m. ~W 1 p.m.
Room: D 1.07 (Mathematik) UZA 4

09.02-08.04.2006 :: Professor Michael Lamoureux, University of Calgary, will spend two months at EUCETIFA as part of his sabbatical semester.

12.-16.11.2005 :: Lerner, Nicolas from Université Rennes visited EUCETIFA and NuHAG and gave the talk On a Wiener-type algebra of pseudodifferential operators Wiener-type algebra of pseudodifferential operators

14.-18.11.2005 :: Peng, Lizhong from Beijing University visited EUCETIFA and NuHAG and gave the talk Localization operators based on the Weyl transforms

07.10.2005 :: press release about the start of "EUCETIFA"

01.10.2005 :: Start of the project EUCETIFA

24.01.2005 :: summary by the local "Universitäts-Zeitung"