
International Conference on Generalized Functions
August 31 - September 4, 2009


This conference continues a long-standing tradition of international conferences on generalized functions gathering researchers working in all branches of "generalized functions". As seen with the most recent conferences held in Guadeloupe (France, 2000), Novi Sad (Serbia, 2004) and Bedlewo (Poland, 2007) the spectrum of interrelations with other fields of mathematics and applications has been steadily increasing. Following this trend, GF2009 aims at a broad coverage of research in generalized functions (distribution theory, algebras of generalized functions), linear and nonlinear PDEs (solvability, regularity, applied analysis), harmonic analysis (modulation spaces, time-frequency analysis and pseudodifferential operators), and applications in geometry (linear/nonlinear distributional geometry) and mathematical physics (general relativity, mathematical geophysics).

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