Probabilistic Structures in Evolution
3. European Young and Mobile Workshop
Opening meeting of the DFG priority programme SPP 1590
September 19 - 21, 2012 :: Mathematical Institute, TU Berlin, Germany 

General Information


This conference is open to all members of the DFG Schwerpunkt programme (SPP) 'Probabilistic structures in evolution' and the nominees for the 3rd European young and mobile workshop. Please register on-line at the conference registration page.

More information about the "Young and mobile" programme and the nomination procedure can be found here.

If you are neither an SPP member nor a young and mobile nominee, and would like to participate in the workshop, please contact the organizers at "pse12 'at'".

Booking and funding

Please make your own arrangements for travel and accommodation. Young&mobile nominees, please check with your respective research council for details about reimbursement and costs. The funding for the SPP members is through the individual projects.
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