Talks given at NuHAG events

Sampling theory and applications: developments in the last 20 years and future perspectives

  Hans G. Feichtinger

  given at  SampTA13 (Bremen) (01.07.13)
  id:  2462
  length:  50min
At the occasion of the 10th event in a series of conferences,
or 18 years after the first SampTA conference (1995 in Riga)
it makes sense to look back, and to observe what changed
in this period, which dreams have come true (or not) and
what the future of the field and hence the {SampTA}
conference series can be.

Clearly my views are coming from a rather limited subjective
perspective, and I have to ask the audience for excuse for
any omissions or mis-interpretations.

Overall I hope to provide a {bird-eye view on the subject},
reflect a bit on connections between topics and open issues,
and formulate a few {desiderata} for the field.


A panaroma of sampling theory in the last 20 years.

A participant's experiences.

How has the field developed.

Why has it obtained increased relevance within analysis at large?

What are the curent methods and tools as well as active research topics.b

Sampling theory and applications: developments in the last 20 years and future perspectives

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