Function spaces in harmonic analysis and coorbit theoryHans G. Feichtinger given at morlet-conf (27.10.14 09:00) id: 2916 length: 60min status: type: talk LINK-Presentation: ABSTRACT: A large variety of Banach spaces of functions or distributions, or spaces of analytic functions arising in complex analysis, are connected with the action of certain groups. Coorbit theory, as developed jointly with Karlheinz Groechenig in the 80s allows to explore these spaces using methods from group representation theory and mostly functional analytic ideas, nowadays known is Banach frames or Riesz projection bases. Such ideas are closely related to the question of sets of interpolation and sets of sampling for suitable Hilbert or also Banach spaces of (smooth) functions, including the transform domain of e.g. the continuous wavelet transform or the STFT (short-time Fourier transform). In this introductory presentation a perspective to the topics covered in the different presentations of this conference is given, encouraging to transfer questions and results form one setting to a related setting, where so far other questions may be dominant. |