The Role of Finite-dimensional Approximation for ApplicationsHans G. Feichtinger (NuHAG, Fac. Math., Univ. Vienna, and ARI (OEAW)) given at ICMAC-2022: Second Int. Conf. on Math. Analysis and Computing, India (20.12.22 15:15) id: 3714 length: 45min status: type: LINK-Presentation: ABSTRACT: The goal of this talk is to point out how some of the soft and heuristic considerations found in engineering books and courses can be described in a mathematically precise way, based on methods from linear functional analysis and approximation theory. While the correct term is that of $w^*$-convergence in dual Banach spaces, I will present these concepts in the more concrete setting of so-called mild distributions over $R^d$. Together with the Segal algebra $S_0(R^d)$ and the Hilbert space $L^2(R^d)$ the mild distributions form the so-called {\it Banach Gelfand Triple} $(S_0,L^2,S'_0)$, often compared with the number system $(Q,R,C)$, of rational, real and complex numbers. A natural concept of convergence in $S'_0$ is in fact the $w^*$-convergence, which can be expressed equivalently as the uniform convergence of the spectrograms of such distributions over any compact subset of the time-frequency plane. Alternatively, one can describe it as the norm convergence for any of the projection onto a finite-dimensional subspace of $S'_0$. We will illustrate the usefulness of this approach (THE Banach Gelfand Triple, and ``mild convergence'' as I call it now) for the description of transitions between the different worlds of signals discussed in the engineering world (periodic versus non-periodic, discrete versus continuous, etc.). Classical Fourier Theory starts from integrable function on the torus, and then extends this notation to functions on the real line or $R^d$ (using Lebesgue integration). Numerical computation of the Fourier transform of a decent function is typically realized with the help of the FFT-algorithm, applied to suitable sampling values of the given function. Finally, an elegant proof of the Shannon-Sampling Theorem can be given using the fact that the standard Dirac comb on the real line is invariant under the distributional Fourier transform, in the sense of mild distributions. |