200 Years of Fourier Analysis: Fourier Analysis in the Modern World of Digital Signal ProcessingHans Feichtinger (NuHAG (Fac. Math., Univ. Vienna) and ARI (OEAW)) given at Novi Sad (Fac. Math.) (12.05.22 14:00) id: 3715 length: 45min status: type: LINK-Presentation: https://nuhagphp.univie.ac.at/dateien/talks/3715_FourierNVS22Fei.pdf ABSTRACT: Addressing various topics of a quite general nature: Fourier Analysis is a mature (200 year old) subject of mathematics which is still going strong > a suitable subject for a discussion of the development of mathematical ideas; Modern digital technologies depend heavily on the principles developed in connection with Fourier Analysis; Not always is the theory developed by mathematicians ready for applications, nor do applied scientists go deep enough in the mathematical analysis of their problems; Mathematics is not just the abstract and complicated subject as it is usually seen, and not just a collection of formulas. |