Talks given at NuHAG events

Time-frequency analysis and Gabor multipliers: From numerical linear algebra to conceptual harmonic analysis

  Hans G. Feichtinger

  given at  NCRG Seminar Schedule ASTON Univ. Birmingham (11.04.08 12:00)
  id:  952
  length:  min
  status:  accepted
  type:  invited
The presentation will give some motivation for the potential of Gabor expansions of signals (which is in fact in the background of the MP3 compression scheme). In the course of the presentation, which will start from linear algebra questions, the basic algebraic, numerical and (as time permits) functional analytic questions will be touched. In particular, we will emphasize the importance of structured (Banach) frames and (Riesz) basis (of Gabor type), both from the application point and from the computational view-point.

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