FLAME Kickoff
May 7.-8. 2012 Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, AUSTRIA
last update: 15.03.2012
This meeting will be held at the Acoustics Research Institute, Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 Wien.
It will be a kickoff-workshop for the FLAME project. It is intended for project partcipants and cooperating scientists. It is therefore
by invitation only.
If you plan to attend the Kickoff-Meeting and have not yet
registered, please register on-line
and enter the requested data.
Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: 06.04.2012
This meeting is a Kickoff-Meeting, where the targets of the project Flame should be presented in a 15 or 30 minute talk followed by 5 or 10 minutes of discussion.
As cooperations should continue in future projects, part of the workshop can also contain open questions and future work. So please also think of presenting problems/discussions/ideas/solutions.
This should be done by presenting a short talk (10-15 minutes), where the preliminaries and the open questions should be clarified. This should be followed by a discussion of all participants lead by you.
Please provide titles and (at least) a short abstract (about 10 lines) as soon as possible. The final deadline is April 06, 2012. Notice: You have to be registered before you can submit your abstract!
Please click »hereĀ« to submit or edit your talk/discussion. After you have entered general information about your talk you can submit your abstract in TEXT and/or TeX format.
We will try to find accomodations. To allow enough time please register in time!!!
There is some possibility to get funded for this meeting. If you need funding, please register as soon as possible.